Tuesday, January 19, 2010

She did it

Blast....Its been to long since I last posted and so much has happened. So I thought I would start with my favorite part.
My daughter turned 8 and got baptized to become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I will admit I was kind of sad about this day at first and I will tell you why. I really no longer had a baby. I mean I know she has been growing up but this was a total life milestone for her. She is in senior Primary know and she goes to Achievement Days.
I was slightly freaking out the whole time and then when it finally happened it was so nice. We were able to get special permission to have Dan baptize her before he left to go back to Hawaii. With the holidays I didn't even get the for sure go ahead until the morning of. Luckily most of the family and a few friends were able to make it.

Now for the best part of the story. So I wasn't the only one freaking out. Presley had been off and on having moments of stress about being the center of attention and getting a blessing. That was another reason for me to stress. When she makes up her mind it can be a definite challenge to get her to back down.
So we get to the church and start getting arranged to pick out a dress to wear and she HATED them all. Finally I just pick one that looks as close to her size as possible. We proceed to go into the changing room where she had a break down. I pulled her Dad in and we talked about it. The best part was that she was freaking out about the dress. She looked at me and said, "I am not going out there wearing that" as she threw her pointed finger at it. I was dying I had to turn around so she didn't see me laughing.
Hence the pouty face in the pic above.
I made her get in the dress and she was trying to hide from everyone and would barely take a picture. Then we start the service and she is crying during the song and the prayer and I am shaking with laughter b/c its all about this "terrible dress".
Then it came time to get into the font. She looked so tiny and so grown up at the same time. It all happened so fast. Bam it was over and done.

And now we see the after. She was so happy. Everything went perfectly. It was so beautiful.
She had her confirmation blessing and she realized it was a nice thing.
She felt special and very happy.

Here's the fam.

And my favorite pic of the night.
I love my girl.
She is growing up but I can handle it.
At least I hope so.
I will probably be in tears about it next week. lol


Staigerfamily said...

This post totally has me in tears. What a special moment. How in the world are our little ones getting so big??? Wasn't it last week we were visiting you guys in park city watching Dan feed her spinach shakes?? The pictures are beautiful. She is gorgeous (and you look fantastic too!!). She has a great baptism story--you are raising such a little fashionista!