Monday, November 17, 2008


Something fantastic happened. I went to the gym today and low and behold they installed new tvs. There are now tvs at some of the elliptical machines and treadmills. They even have cable. I made it thru and hour and ten min. of cardio like it was no ones business. It may be stupid but it made my day!


Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Hooray for tv's at the gym! I dont' know what I would do without one OR a good book. Cardio at the gym can be so boring!

just an update. Talked to my doc. she prescribed me a strong antihistamine to hopefully lessen the itching. But if it doesn't really work within the next 24 hours and if my lab test comes back not good, she'll think about inducing. I'll keep you posted.

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

And p.s.

Dan's hair is SO long!!! Jeez! Was he just here and took her back with him on sunday? when did they go skiing cause I know it wasn't in Maui.

Ashley said...

Yes he came and stopped on the way to Costa Rica and then came back and picked her up. We went skiing last Fri. and now they are gone until dec. 19th.