Friday, November 7, 2008

Ok, I am so mad right now and I just have to vent real quick. Here is my story. I have been of wheat and sugar for a while now so I haven't had much in the way of sweet treats (I even made it through Halloween sugar free). So I decided today that I would make a cheesecake for myself. I got all the ingredients. This means that I made homemade wheat free graham crackers and all. I make my awesome sans wheat and sugar confection and put it outside covered to cool (to speed up the cooling). I go to retrieve my well deserved treat to find that it is being devoured by my parents' little dog. My precious confection and all the money I spent on my expensive marscapone cheese is down the tubes. I was ready to cry and I am just seething. I will never ever have any pets. I hate them. This dog has ruined my night and I am ready to feed her to the wolves.


JLR said...

That is horrible! There is a dog that live around here that yelps all day long. I love dogs... but not the annoying ones. Sorry about your day. I'm proud of you for choosing to be so healthy... I'm starting my health kick after my baby is born.

Unknown said...

ooo i don't like that dog! you poor thing! all the time and money down the drain! i completely sympathize with you!