Wednesday, February 17, 2010

American Nutrition

This clip is a bit lengthy (20 min) but well worth hearing Jamie Oliver talk about the nutrition in America and mainly in Americas schools. I am on board with him. I think the nutrition is super important. I find it a bit fascinating. After watching this it made me feel good inside that I always pack a lunch for Pres. 

Monday, February 15, 2010

My family is weird and I love it. This what we do. Document really stupid silly pee your pants behavior. I probably peed my pants while taking this pic at my sister Maison's 11th bday celebration. 
Fact: Other than wedding formals my family has NO family pics. This is something that needs to be fixed.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Love em

I found the sweetest vintage valentines ever. I got them at Borders. Go figure. Let me tell you these were old school. I had to cut and paste the envelopes together. That old school. But it was fun and it is Presley's first full blown school valentines event so we went all out.

                                  I seriously am in love with these.
            Yes we made these in our bed. Don't hate. Its my favorite place. 
                                         So cozy.
  I was surprised that she was letting snap away without and complaint. 
                                 (she is such a diva)
                                    and then
The spell was broken. Bummer. As you can see she is saying in a very sassy manor....                       
                                  Moooooom stooooooop!!!!

                           Getting your pic taken is so hard and annoying. 
She then complained of a headache. So I finished them out. She then went to see her Nana how gave her a piece of chocolate and she was magically cured. She said, "Mom chocolate is medicine. I promise. I feel so much better now." Haha atta girl.
P.S. Notice the P90X box? I love this box. It comes in handy so often. 


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pity party for one please.....

I am having one of those days were nothing is seeming to go right. I over slept. Fought with Pres. Had to work. Currently working. Bored out of my mind. Mad at the world and blah, blah, blah, blah.
I am throwing myself and pity party today and I am the only one invite. Sorry peeps.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Its that time again. Valentines day is so cute. Presley is having a Vday party in her class and I am itching to find some sweet vintage vallies. Isn't this valentine just the cutest. Wish me luck on my search. And  let us commence our week of  L.O.V.E.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Please take a minute to watch this. So true and inspiring. Happy Thursday. :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I would love to have one of these to read and lounge on. It would be just delicious.

Side note: I love the GOOP website and this recipe looks yummy and she is so pretty.