Friday, March 28, 2008

First Filling

I know what you are thinking...... She already has a cavity. I know its my fault. I should have flossed her teeth more. She got it filled yesterday and she was a little trooper. She didn't cry at all even during her shot. Mad props to Dr. Farley he was so sweet and gentle. He talked her through everything. So now she is back in action and we will be flossing every day.


Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Oh poor pres. I know exactly how that is a smaller child. I once had 4 fillings filled in one day and I was in elementary school! YIKES! things must have gone well cause she still has a smile on her face! Way to go Pres!

Staigerfamily said...

What a sweet little girl! Don't beat yourself up about it--though. . . our little Jaron at 3 years old had so many cavities we had to have the Dentist sedate him at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center--it was a major ordeal and extra super expensive! So yeah. . .we are trying to floss more. The dentist said my kiddos hardly have any enamel on their teeth--some lack of nutrition on my part while pregnant. So yeah--one cavity surely can't mean your a bad mom!